Sky: CotL Sound Effects + Ambience

This page contains sound effects and background noises recorded from Sky: Children of the Light. These sound effects are free to use and no credit is needed to use them (still would be nice though).

All files can be found for download on this online drive.

Some other notes I can't really fit into the opening paragraph:

Table of Contents

  1. Background Effects
  2. Sound Effects
    1. Player Calls
    2. Emote Sound Effects
  3. Sound Requests
  4. Sound Bounty Board
  5. Special Thanks

Background Effects

Name Listen Notes
skybgn-ancientmemory001 Noises emited by Ancient Darkness and Ancient Light from Season of Shattering. Note that I had separate recordings for Darkness and Light, but they sounded identical.
skybgn-ancientmemory001b Noises emited by Ancient Darkness and Ancient Light from Season of Shattering. This variant attempts to reduce the ambient hum of the void.
skybgn-birds001 Recorded in the Windpaths by standing in a path of birds.
skybgn-birds001b-highpass A variant of skybgn-birds001 where I applied a high pass filter. Should reduce wind noises, and volume has been corrected to account for the filter.
skybgn-chimes001 Recorded in the Butterfly Field using the wind chime prop.
skybgn-chimes002 Recorded in the Cozy Hideout (Daylight Prairie) using the wind chime prop.
skybgn-chimes002b-highpass Variant of skybgn-chimes002 where I applied a high pass filter. Should reduce some of the wind noises, and volume has been corrected to account for the filter.
skybgn-constgate001 Recorded in the Vault of Knowledge while standing next to a constellation gate.
skybgn-constgate001b-highpass Variant of skybgn-constgate001 where I applied a high pass filter. Should reduce some of the ambient noise, and volume has been corrected to account for the filter.
skybgn-eerie001 Eerie voices and wails. Plays when you're close to entering the Point of No Return in Eden. Potentially seeking a higher quality version without the other Eden background noises (like eruptions and cape flaps.)
skybgn-eerie002 Subtler eerie sounds, recorded on top of a big crystal within a Shattering memory.
skybgn-eerie002b Variant of skybgn-eerie002 where I tried to reduce the ambient hum of the void (which you can listen to as skybgn-void001).
skybgn-fire001 Recorded in the Golden Wasteland (Broken Temple area)
skybgn-map001-isle Plays when zoomed in on different regions of the game's map. Recorded while zoomed in on the Isle of Dawn.
skybgn-map002-prairie Plays when zoomed in on different regions of the game's map. Recorded while zoomed in on the Daylight Prairie.
skybgn-map003-forest Plays when zoomed in on different regions of the game's map. Recorded while zoomed in on the Hidden Forest.
skybgn-map004-valley Plays when zoomed in on different regions of the game's map. Recorded while zoomed in on the Valley of Triumph.
skybgn-map005-wasteland Plays when zoomed in on different regions of the game's map. Recorded while zoomed in on the Golden Wasteland.
skybgn-map006-vault Plays when zoomed in on different regions of the game's map. Recorded while zoomed in on the Vault of Knowledge.
skybgn-map007-eden Plays when zoomed in on different regions of the game's map. Recorded while zoomed in on Eden.
skybgn-map008-windpaths Plays when zoomed in on different regions of the game's map. Recorded while zoomed in on the Windpaths.
skybgn-rain001 Recorded in the Elevated Forest Clearing.
skybgn-rain002-umbrella Recorded in the Elevated Forest Clearing using the handheld umbrella item.
skybgn-rain003-drippytent Recorded in the area just before the Forest Temple while sitting underneath the big tent prop.
skybgn-stars001 Recorded in the Coliseum, Valley of Triumph, using the manta lantern from Season of Remembrance.
skybgn-starshower001 Sounds of the meteor shower during Days of Love 2024.
skybgn-underwater001 Recorded in the Treasure Reef.
skybgn-void001 Recorded in a Shattering Memory.
skybgn-waves001 Recorded in the Sanctuary Islands.
skybgn-wind001-calm Recorded high in the sky at Home. Quite subtle, you might have to crank up the sound for this one.
skybgn-wind002 Recorded in the Cozy Hideout (Daylight Prairie) using a wind wall (It's wimdy!)
skybgn-wind003 Recorded at the Windpaths.
skybgn-wind004 Recorded during a Valley race.

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Sound Effects

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Name Listen Notes
skysfx-bell001 A single ding of a bell. Recorded in Sanctuary Islands.
skysfx-bell002 A single ding of a bell. Recorded in Sanctuary Islands.
skysfx-bell003 A single ding of a bell. Recorded in Sanctuary Islands.
skysfx-bell004 A single ding of a bell. Recorded in Sanctuary Islands.
skysfx-bell005 A single ding of a bell. Recorded in Sanctuary Islands.
skysfx-bell006 A single ding of a bell. Recorded in Sanctuary Islands.
skysfx-bellhome001-00 The bell jingle that plays at Home, starting every hour. Usually has a few more dings (up to 10), but I have decided to edit those out.
skysfx-bellhome002-15 The bell jingle that plays at Home, starting at the 15th minute of every hour.
skysfx-bellhome003-30 The bell jingle that plays at Home, starting at the 30th minute of every hour.
skysfx-bellhome004-45 The bell jingle that plays at Home, starting at the 45th minute of every hour.
skysfx-capecharge001 A singular recording of the cape charging sound effect.
skysfx-capecharge002 A continuous recording of the cape charging sound effect.
skysfx-crabattack001 Sound effect that plays when a crab charges towards and subsequently bumps into you.
skysfx-eating001 Sound effect that plays when the player eats the buns offered from the picnic prop (or the lavender tea set).
skysfx-extinguish001 The sound effect that plays when your light goes out / is extinguished.
skysfx-flap001 A single flap of the cape.
skysfx-forgecandle001 Sound effect that plays when you tap on the candle button.
skysfx-friendonline001 The sound effect that plays when one of your friends comes online.
skysfx-itembuy001 The sound effect that plays when you confirm a purchase from a spirit. Might need replacement since the sounds of the player summoning a white candle can be heard.
skysfx-itemget001 The sound effect that plays when you obtain an item (like spells, props, or accessories) from a spirit.
skysfx-krillattack001 The sound effect that plays when a krill / dark dragon attacks you. Recorded in Golden Wasteland with a Shield mask.
skysfx-krillattack002 The sound effect that plays when a krill / dark dragon attacks you. Recorded in Golden Wasteland with no special mask.
skysfx-krillattack003 The sound effect that plays when a krill / dark dragon attacks you. Recorded in Golden Wasteland with the help of a poor manta.
skysfx-krillattack004 The sound effect that plays when a krill / dark dragon attacks you. Recorded in Golden Wasteland with no special mask.
skysfx-krillhorn001 The sound effect that plays when using the krill horn, offered from the Season of Shattering.
skysfx-menu001 Sound effect that plays when using various menus. Usually plays when selecting an item.
skysfx-menu002 Sound effect that plays when using various menus. Usually plays when closing a menu.
skysfx-questcomplete001 Sound effect that plays when you complete a daily quest. Recorded by completing the "visit the hotsprings" quest.
skysfx-shardfall001 Sound effect that plays when shards land in an area. Recorded distantly in the Jelly Fish Cove.
skysfx-spellcancel001 Sound effect that plays when you cancel a spell early.
skysfx-spellget001 Sound effect that plays when you obtain a spell from a vendor, such as the Sleepy Merchant or the Enchantment Guide. Recorded in the spell shop at Aviary.
skysfx-lightdrain001 Sound effect that plays while the player is standing in dark water.
skysfx-manatee001 One of a few calls that manatees (seen commonly in Prairie Peaks) make.
skysfx-manatee002 One of a few calls that manatees (seen commonly in Prairie Peaks) make.
skysfx-meditation001 Sound effect that plays while sitting in a meditation circle.
skysfx-swimming001-surfaceidle Recordings of the player swimming (idle). Was recorded in the Prairie Caves, so this one has a bit of an echo-y quality to it.
skysfx-swimming001b-surfaceidlehp Variant of skysfx-swimming001-surfaceidle where I applied a high pass filter. Should reduce some of the ambient sounds, and volume has also been corrected to account for the filter.
skysfx-teleporthome001 Sound effect that plays as you teleport home. It's also possible this sound effect is partly the same as skysfx-spellget001.
skysfx-wingdrop001 Sound that plays when you drop a wing. This clip was recorded underwater, so the sound was mixed with the drowning noises.
skysfx-wingdrop002 Sound that plays when you drop a wing.

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Player Calls

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Name Listen Notes
skysfx-babymanta001 The regular version of the baby manta call.
skysfx-babymantadeep001 The deep version of the baby manta call.

Name Listen Notes
skysfx-bird001 The regular version of the bird call.
skysfx-birddeep001 The deep version of the bird call.

Name Listen Notes
skysfx-cosmanta001 The regular version of the cosmic manta call.
skysfx-cosmantadeep001 The deep version of the cosmic manta call.

Name Listen Notes
skysfx-crab001 The regular version of the crab call.
skysfx-crabdeep001 The deep version of the crab call.

Name Listen Notes
skysfx-default001 The regular version of the default call.
skysfx-defaultdeep001 The deep version of the default call.

Name Listen Notes
skysfx-fish001 The regular version of the fish call.
skysfx-fishdeep001 The deep version of the fish call.

Name Listen Notes
skysfx-jellyfish001 The regular version of the jellyfish call.
skysfx-jellyfishdeep001 The deep version of the jellyfish call.

Special thanks to Piper for recording and submitting these calls!

Name Listen Notes
skysfx-journey001 The regular version of the Journey call.
skysfx-journeydeep001 The deep version of the Journey call.
skysfx-journeymid001 The version of the call that plays when you don't hold down the call button all the way.

Name Listen Notes
skysfx-manta001 The regular version of the manta call.
skysfx-mantadeep001 The deep version of the manta call.

Name Listen Notes
skysfx-nightbird001 The regular version of the nightbird call.
skysfx-nightbirddeep001 The deep version of the nightbird call.

Special thanks to Fiddybombiddy for recording and submitting these calls!

Name Listen Notes
skysfx-unlit001 The regular version of the unlit call.
skysfx-unlitdeep001 The deep version of the unlit call.

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Emote Sound Effects

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Name Listen Notes
skysfx-boogie001 The sound effect that plays when using the boogie emote offered by the Boogie Kid (Level 1)
skysfx-boogie002 The sound effect that plays when using the boogie emote offered by the Boogie Kid (Level 3)
skysfx-cheer001 The sound effect that plays when using the cheer emote offered by the Cheerful Spectator (Level 1)
skysfx-cheer001b Variant of skysfx-cheer001 where I tried to cut out the sound of the sky kid upon landing.
skysfx-cheer002 The sound effect that plays when using the cheer emote offered by the Cheerful Spectator (Level 3)
skysfx-confetti001 The sound effect that plays when using the confetti emote offered by the Confetti Cousin (Level 1)
skysfx-confetti002 The sound effect that plays when using the confetti emote offered by the Confetti Cousin (Level 2)
skysfx-confetti003 The sound effect that plays when using the confetti emote offered by the Confetti Cousin (Level 3)
skysfx-confetti004 The sound effect that plays when using the confetti emote offered by the Confetti Cousin (Level 4)
skysfx-deepbreath001 The sound effect that plays when using the deep breath emote offered by the Prophet of Water (Level 1)
skysfx-deepbreath002 The sound effect that plays when using the deep breath emote offered by the Prophet of Water (Level 1). Has a slightly different exhaling sound.
skysfx-deepbreath003 The sound effect that plays when using the deep breath emote offered by the Prophet of Water (Level 3).
skysfx-evillaugh001 The sound effect that plays when using the evil laugh / cackling emote offered by the Cackling Cannoneer (Level 1)
skysfx-evillaugh002 The sound effect that plays when using the evil laugh / cackling emote offered by the Cackling Cannoneer (Level 3)
skysfx-evillaugh003 The sound effect that plays when using the evil laugh / cackling emote offered by the Cackling Cannoneer (Level 4, with fire!)
skysfx-floatspin001 The sound effect that plays when using the floating emote offered by the Princess from the Season of the Nine-Colored Deer (Level 1)
skysfx-floatspin002 The sound effect that plays when using the floating emote offered by the Princess from the Season of the Nine-Colored Deer (Level 3)
skysfx-jolly001 The sound effect that plays when using the dancing emote offered by the Jolly Geologist (Level 1)
skysfx-jolly002 The sound effect that plays when using the dancing emote offered by the Jolly Geologist (Level 3)
skysfx-shh001 The sound effect that plays when using the shushing emote offered by the Shushing Light Scholar (Level 1)
skysfx-shh002 The sound effect that plays when using the shushing emote offered by the Shushing Light Scholar (Level 3)
skysfx-spinjingle001 The sound effect that plays when using the emote offered by the Spinning Mentor (Level 1)
skysfx-spinjingle002 The sound effect that plays when using the emote offered by the Spinning Mentor (Level 2)

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Sound Requests

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Want a sound effect but don't see it listed on the site? You can make a request for this sound! Please note the following things:

If you understand everything above, go ahead and contact me.

Sound Bounty Board

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There are some sounds that are so elusive that I (the person maintaining this page) would have trouble trying to record them alone. That's where you come in! The bounty board, if it's not empty, will list sounds that I'm currently looking for.

If you have a sound you'd like to turn in, please note the following things:

If you understand everything above, go ahead and contact me.

The Actual Bounty Board

Desired Sound Notes
Kizuna AI Call One of the game's exclusive calls. Need both regular and deep call variants.
Friend Lighting Star This sound occurs when a friend lights your star / gifts you light, sounds somewhat similar to the skysfx-friendonline001 sound effect. This sound effect is also usually accompanied by a notification on the bottom of the screen.
Winged Light Loss Occurs after you have dropped a winged light and do not pick it up, allowing it to despawn. A sharp "shing!" sound.
Daily Quest Complete The sound that plays when you complete a daily quest. This sound effect is already recorded (skysfx-questcomplete-001), so this is in slightly lower demand. Need a version of this sound effect with less background noise, if possible.

Sound Recording Notes

Too long; don't wanna read

  • Pause between every action (everything makes a noise).

  • Record in an area with minimal (or ideally, zero) background noise.

  • Get rid of other players in the area if possible.

  • Constant background noise (like the sound of wind) is easier to edit out than intermittent background noise (like the sound of birds).

  • Include 5-10 seconds of "silence" at the start of your clip. Do not move or make additional noise.

  • It is preferred if you turn in a video clip.

Each of these points is covered in more detail in the following paragraphs.


When recording things like sound effects, but especially things like player calls, it makes things easier for me to pause between actions. Every action has some sort of sound effect which will be recorded, so leaving gaps of silence makes it easier for me to cut apart clips and get at the sounds I really want.

Waveforms like this are the easiest to work with. Something like this shows that there are little to no overlapping sound effects which I'll have to try to separate.

If you want an idea of how long I pause between actions, you can watch this video.

Getting rid of other players

This tip was given to me by a sound contributor. Other players pose the greatest obstacle to recording sounds since they're chaotic, noisy, and frequent certain places, reducing the amount of areas you can peacefully record in.

To get rid of other players, head to the area you want to record in and then disconnect your device from the Internet. I have been told that as long as you don't move around too much, you'll be able to record sounds by yourself. I assume this limitation applies to other things that need an Internet connection — so you can't teleport to other areas, obtain items, interact with player creations, and the like.

Background noise

Obviously it's ideal to record sound effects in an area with no noise, but for various reasons this may not be possible. Depending on the sound effect being recorded, it's possible to get away with a little bit of background noise.

To get rid of background noise, the tools I rely on are mainly a high pass filter, noise profiling, and some keyframe-based sound editing.

High pass filter

The high pass filter is very good at cleaning up noises with low frequency / quiet background noises — an example being skybgn-chimes001. Depending on the frequency of the recorded sound effect, a high pass filter can be used on clips with louder background noise, such as skybgn-birds001. The background noise in skybgn-birds001 is comparatively louder than the background noise in skybgn-chimes002, but because the chirping of the birds is quite high pitched, a high pass filter can still be used on it to isolate the sounds of the birds. A high pass filter generally won't work well on sound clips with sound effects whose background noises are of a higher or equal loudness.

Keyframe-based sound editing

For sound effects that are quite loud, you can get away with a little more background noise since its easier to cut away what is and isn't background noise. An example of this is skysfx-wingdrop002. This clip was recorded in the Aviary where there is a fair amount of wind everywhere. A high pass filter would have worked poorly on this clip, but because the sound effect is so loud, it was easier to cut out / blend away some of the background noise. It's almost like the loudness distracts from any background noise that would be in the clip. One should still be mindful. Ambience like wind is easier to dismiss / blend out because it's almost like static, but if the sound of birds chirping made it into the clip, I likely would have had to discard it.

Noise profiling

This is a relatively new method I've learned for minimizing background noise. My understanding of how it works is by feeding the audio program (in this case, Audacity) a clip of the ambient background noise in a recording, it can build a profile that reduces that noise while keeping other sounds relatively untouched. This method works best on clips with quiet background noise.

Home is the easiest area to access with minimal (but not zero) background noise, all you have to do is fly high up into the sky and place a prop. If you need to record somewhere else, I can probably work with clips with background noise of less than or equal volume to this clip.

For this method to work best, you should include a few seconds of silence at the beginning of your recording. This is also demonstrated in the clip linked right before. You only need to include around 5-10 seconds of silence.

This method might also work best if you record in an area with more "constant" background noises. For example, ambient wind and water noises might be better than ambient bird noises, since bird noises don't always play constantly.

Should I turn in an audio or video file?

When recording clips by myself, I am usually working with video clips and I find these easier to work with due to timing. For video clips, its easier for me to discern where a sound effect starts and stops using both the waveform and the video. For pure audio clips, discerning the beginning of a sound is easiest when the waveform is very clean, which is a rarity at times.

Special Thanks

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A special thanks to the Sky community of Tumblr for showing interest in this project, thank you to future contributors of sound effects and background noises, and thank you for viewing (and hopefully sharing) this free resource.

Sound Contributors

Alias Sounds Contributed
Anonymous ...
Piper Journey Calls (all variants)
Fiddybombiddy Unlit Calls (all variants)

(Crab pulled from the Sky wiki)

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