If you like what you see here, feel free to link my site onto yours! Pick the one you like the most or fits your site the best, maybe even grab all of them. Who give a shit!
And remember, no hotlinking! (Hotlinking is the process of right-clicking one of these images and using that link to get the image onto your site. The short and sweet of why that's bad is because 1. When someone views the hotlinked image on your site, it uses my bandwith to host that image and 2. If my site disappears so does the hotlinked image)

Friends' Webbed Sites
Art on the Web!
These are websites I know to have an artist behind them, and I'd like to support them by getting you to see them! These buttons will only link to their site, though, and not a specific art page.
Sites I've Encountered
Other Fun Sites
You know those gifs of a hand petting a certain character or animal? This is where a good chunk of those gifs probably come from.
AC meaning 'Automatic Composition', this site is made by Daniwell, the guy behind the base Nyan cat song. Enter a title, and the site will generate a small jingle for you!
Another app by Daniwell, this site can generate sound effects either by shaking your mobile device, or clicking some dots on the presented 8x8 grid. There's a bit more on how to use the app, but that's explained in the 'how to use' section of the site. If you're a Firefox user, you'll have to switch to Chrome to use it. Sometimes this site can generate high-pitched and/or abrasive noises, so watch your device volume.
GifCities is a site that allows you to look up keywords to pull gifs from archived pages on the Internet! This site can be good if you want a retro feel for your site, but best of all, clicking on a gif will bring you to the archived webpage it's sourced from!
A collection of horror gifs/sounds, categorically sorted and free to use! While I would normally put a content warning for spooky stuff, the 'horror' that this site deals with is more akin to the horror of a halloween prop store. Nonetheless, if that freaks you out, enter this site with caution.

Run by the person behind cinni.net, the 99 GIF Shop is another GIF compendium. Despite it being labelled as a 'shop', I believe it is only named this way for thematic reasons, and not because you're supposed to buy these GIFs. I'm not sure how to describe how GIFs here are categorized, so the most I'll say is that it's a menagerie!

A graphics directory run by a person named Bonnibel, as one might guess. Has a directory for easy sorting, but many of the gifs had been collected from when this person was young, resulting in lost sources. If you recognize the source for any of the gifs in the directory, you can contact the webmaster!

Another site by Michelle (cinni), the Cutie Internet Archive is another GIF repository with a more personal flaire. The site's most outward function is a searcher of cute graphics, but each graphic is pulled from an older site that's no longer active. The archive can also give you information such as the site's lifetime, and a small 'about' section from the site.

A little pet for your website! Has an easy-to-follow process for making and getting your pet onto your website.
Warning! This site contains bright, rapidly changing colors! Aside from that, this is just a cute site with some running dogs and fun music.
A site where you can super-legally bet on monsters as they fight to the death. The gimmick is that it uses DND combat mechanics, so fights aren't 100% random!