Why Sky?

... As in, why make a shrine for this game out of all the games in the world?

I started playing Sky on June 3rd, 2022 — here for the latter half of Season of Performance, and being fully around for Season of Shattering. At the time of writing this, this means I've been playing Sky regularly for at least 2 years! Sky is somewhat of an oddity in this sense, because I can't really think of another game which I've played for as long and as consistently.

When I started playing Sky, I took my time before "completing" the game. When you're new, the game really does capture the feeling of being a child and seeing the world for the first time. For me, I wanted to see everything I could see before reaching "the end" (little did I know, there was much more to do afterwards). After a few months, I was acquainted with the world of Sky and its cycles, and things kinda lost their shine. I still find myself sticking around, even if it isn't to explore. For one, doing my daily quests had become a part of my routine, but in doing them it also invited interaction with other players. There are a lot of little memories which I don't remember, but the ones I do remember I'm glad to have been around for.

Another reason is that I wanna stick around to see what Sky grows into. During my time, I've seen Sky change in ways that I love (and in other ways I don't love as much...) But even if I don't fully love some aspects of this game, I do wanna be around for better things come out. For example, there's the debut of festival tech, which I couldn't have seen if I stopped playing Sky after a few months. Afterwards was the improvements to shared spaces, the introduction of Nests, video broadcasting, and something I'll call a "live shared memory". There's proably some things I'm missing, but those are what stand out. I want to be around to see changes like these, and I think I revel in experiencing these things with others.

All in all, I think I'm building this shrine as a proof of Sky's impact on me. I discovered Sky during a transitional period in my life and it's been a source of stability for me. It saddens me to think about, but there will probably be some day where Sky will be shut down. When this happens, this shrine, as well as all the art, writing, music, and videos people have made for Sky will still be standing — a proof of the game's impact on the world.