Sky: Children of the Light is a free to play 3D exploration game developed by Thatgamecompany, who you may know from their previous games like flOw, Flower, and most notably, Journey. Sky first released for iOS in 2019, and has spread to Android, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, and Windows (albeit in early access) as of 2024. The game takes place in the once-prosperous Kingdom of Sky. The player, a child of light, ventures through the kingdom and is tasked with freeing and reliving the memories of the realm's residents. Along the way, the player must cooperate with other players, eventually kindling new friendships.
Aside from its gorgeous scenery, Sky is best known for the kindness of its player base. The game has many moments where players must cooperate in order to achieve their end goal, but even outside of quests and events, the game fosters unprompted and warm interactions with other players.
Did you know that Sky has two Guinness World Records? One record is for "Most users in a concert-themed world", and the other is for "Most players emoting together at the same time in a video game". This achievement was made possible with something referred to as "festival tech" by the community and developers. Festival tech made its debut during the Season of AURORA, an in-game event collaborating with the titular Norwegian singer. Festival tech would facilitate the concert-like environment, allowing thousands of players to exist in one instance, instead of the usual 8 players. During the record-breaking concert, there was 10,061 players in one server, with millions of players joining in worldwide!
This isn't a picture of an AURORA concert, but this is showcasing festival tech in use.