
Don has weak ties to her family and home in Michigan. Throughout her adolescence she relied on her relationships with classmates to keep her afloat. After graduation from highschool though, many of her friendships faded and her relationship with her family would become additiionally strained. The rope would snap when, while in an argument, Don splashed her mother with scalding water, giving her severe burns. Authorities were called and Don was imprisoned for 3 years, landing a somewhat of a lighter sentence thanks to her mother, who, despite the assault, did not want to be associated with a "serious" criminal. Even with this favor, Don would leave her home state by the end of her sentence.

Don would float around working odd jobs, though none of them would ever stick, so she joined the military for 4 years. During this time her fire-related powers and traits would begin to manifest, though she did a good job of concealing them for the time being. Once she was out of the military, Don would experiment with the full extent of the military, though she didn't have many practical uses for her powers... Until later hearing about Olympus.

After enjoying 2 years of stability outside of the military, Don moved to Olympus, California and shortly after signed with the Guardian Syndicate. First few months were rough, though afterwards she fit into the Syndicate roster quite nicely. Don's career as a recognized hero lasted for 3 years. During the last few months of her career, Don (known as Demonette) came underfire for being notedly violent with captured criminal supers. Things came to a head when Don severely injured a criminal, who she was eventually responsible for the death of when they didn't survive in the hospital. No longer being able to ignore the recent trends, the Guardian Syndicate quietly told Don to leave. Don left without a fight, though she still believed she could be better and bring good to the world.

After being kicked from the Syndicate, Don would lay low, cutting off any mainstream social media precense she had and moving a city over. She got employed as a trucker and somewhere along the way adopted a roommate. In her freetime she relives her hero days as the vigilante Fury, or some unnamed good samaritan.

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