April 2022


I think all the anxiety from other days in thie week have been transferred to this day alone. I'm not trying to think too hard about what grade I got, but this could make the difference between me passing or failing the class. I'm in my head right now.

Augh, I really hope this final doesn't dock too many points off my grade...


My site has an aesthetic background now, woot!

Note to self: Get rid of Bootcamp, that's just a bunch of data that I don't use enough to justify it's existence.

Whuff, I really need to dedicate some time to moving around more. TMI story turned normal: I think I'm sitting around too much, and I think that's causing health complications.

Also jeez, it's already almost-the-end-of-April.


Notes on Medibang's time lapse feature: After some studying, it doesn't seem like the feature compares to actually recording the screen. Using the time lapse feature is probably less intensive than running OBS, but it doesn't record the actual movement of the line, if that makes sense. If I were to record the creature concept that I'm making, I'll stick to OBS.

Your self worth isn't based on a section of a larger quiz you took, but I'm still going to be a bit insecure about it anyways. Also, I'm excited to try out Medibang's timelapse feature when I get home >:D I have a creature concept I'm feeling pretty good about!


Feeling a strong temptation to lay my face flat on my desk and take a nap. Alas, I got work to do. I'm also typing to keep myself awake.

Now I really regret not bringing my earbuds. In short, I'm being subjected to noises I just don't want to listen to, not in this classroom.

Thinking of adding a guides page to my website? The thing is, I don't know what I could give guides for, but I do like the feeling of being vaguely helpful.

I'm currently thinking of making a guide to effectively hosting images on Neocities, expanding on the things I said about file types earlier in this blog, but I'll need more than that if I want to justify making a whole site section...

Forgetfulness streak: 2, I forgot my earbuds.

I also feel like I can never get enough sleep, but there's no where comfortable enough to take a nap. My lack of earbuds does not help my predicament.


I forgot my pencil case at home *explodes and dies*

Also, happy weed day


Thinking of changing how my character directory is formatted. The computer-y aesthetic right now feels pretty incongruous compared to the rest of the site. I also feel like the way things are formatted now won't be the best if I decide to include lore about the worlds my characters come from.

Every now and then a stray blogger will like my Originshipping post that I made in 2021. God bless your souls, content-starved Originshippers.

Set up my guestbook!


Recently I was messing around with the Neocities profile settings and was looking at the tab to delete one's site. To delete your site, you have to type in your site name in order to verify you want to do this. I obviously have no intentions of deleting my website, but Firefox had automatically filled in the field where it asks for your site name. I'm not saying that I think Firefox wants me gone, but the thought of someone randomly accessing this setting in the site profile and deciding to delete my work really made my heart sink.

This is a reminder to everyone who treasures their site: back that shit up! Neocities allows you to do this easily by going to your dashboard, scrolling to the bottom of the file menu, and finding the bit where it says 'Download entire site'. This will give you a zip file containing your site assets!

I think I'm rediscovering all the insecurities that I had for art, but now its website building and Neocities. Hopefully it's less crushing this time because I've already dealt with it once in some way before.


I finally turned all the left sidebar code into an iframe! Now it'll be easier to update all the menu elements whenver I add a new page to this website.

Welcome to another episode of: Does my code genuinely not work, or is Neocities being a butt?

Answer: Probably the latter, since I made sure my code worked in CodePen, and there shouldn't be any reason that something that works in CodePen doesn't work on Neocities.

A tip to anyone who is looking to minimize their file usage on their Neocities website: if you have a large png image, you can trim it down by making it into a jpeg or a gif. I know jpegs get a bad rep for Lossy Compression, but if you set the compression rate to something like 90%, you'll hardly even notice it. What you will notice though is that the file size is smaller. Note that turning a png into a jpeg if its already small will have the opposite effect.

Turning a png into a gif is nice if you have an image you want to retain the transparency of, or if the size of the image itself is quite small (like if its a 100x100 image or something). I say this because turning a transparent png into a gif will make the outer edges of the image crunchier (you can see this on Opal's webpage, if you zoom close into the edges of the artwork).


Whuff, now my website uses 0.4% of my free space. I guess that isn't so bad considering most of that is just 2 moderately large images and not my several page files.


Just watched one of my assassin snails hunt down and eat another snail! Woot! Watching it happen was kinda funny because when the assassin snail was securing its prey, it was at the top of the tank. Securing its foot around the prey snail caused it to lose its grip and plummit to the bottom. Luckily, snails don't get hurt from a fall in the water, so that's all good.

I will also say that assassin snails do not waste food. When the assassin snail let go of the prey snail, all that was left was the shell.

Personal list of personality quiz questions from hell (this mostly pertains to uQuiz):

  • Practically any question with lengthy answers you have to read through (ex. song lyrics, book quotes, etc)
  • Quiz questions you likely won't be able to answer accurately if you don't consume the same media as the quiz author (ex. being asked to pick a music artist/song/book that the author likes)
  • More to come because I actually haven't taken a uQuiz in a while. Expanding my list as my quiz sense sharpens


Gonna put up my Vainglorious ramblings here since I don't have access to Tumblr right now. I personally hope that the dragon queen (or just the Queen) isn't just a straight up evil character. I don't believe she's really a shining person morally on the inside (choosing to surround herself with wealth and worshippers and what not), but I'd love to see more into why the Queen has things the way they are. With the information we have now, I think things are the way they are just because it's what make sense. Dragons are prize prey in the world of Vainglorious, and I think it's implied dragons as a species have become quite rare because of that. The Queen, seeing this, opted the best decision would be to move her portion of dragon-kind underground, with scouts going out of the nest to... scout and get food I guess.

The dragons (or at least Rei) don't like these conditions, and I don't think the Queen really does either, though she does set things up to be as best as possible for her. I don't know if this is intentional, but I believe the Queen was protecting Rei by turning him human when he was exiled. If the Queen wanted to be crueller, she could've robbed Rei of his draconic abilities yet still keep his dragon appearance intact, which guarantees an eventual death on the part of the hunters. But why do this — turn Rei into a human? Well, he's a scout, after all. I believe what the Queen is trying to do here is determine, through Rei, if the outside world will be fit for dragonkind.

Note to self: If you want a div that floats towards the right-ish side of the page, you anchor part of it to the right side, dummy. This is what sleep deprivation does to a person. Aside from my zero brain moment, I finally got the code to do what I want it to do, so a new character for the character directory is in the works!!


World's most soaked bird

So glad YouTube still offers an embed option...


I'm listening to the Madoka Magica soundtrack, more specifically the tracks 'Something, everything is wrong' and 'Theatre of a witch' and... gah, an accordion was a really good instrument to represent Homura. In 'Something, everything is wrong' the accordion does a good job of providing a melancholy, yet mature tone, which is not unlike Homura herself. It also contributes nicely into the fairy tale-like vibe of the song.

Taking the plunge and learning some JavaScript. I don't know what I'll use it for yet, but all knowledge is good knowledge.

Got some assassin snails in my fish tank today! I've said this before, but I was initially worried about getting them in the first place since I heard assassin snails will eat shrimp, but I came to the conclusion that this event would be quite rare, since shrimp are super flighty. Regardless, I didn't want to add them too soon since assassin snails will go after shrimp if there aren't enough prey snails in the tank. It seems like my mom thought differently, putting a whopping 5 assassin snails in the tank. Seeing them in action, I'm sure these snails will never catch up to my shrimp, but I am worried about the snail population.

The thing is about the pest snails is I'm worried they're too small for the assassin snails to eat. Assassin snails hunt other snails by gripping onto their shells with their foot, and using their proboscis to siphon the juices out of the prey snail. If the prey snail is too small, the assasin snail can't properly use its proboscis — it would be like drinking out of a cup with a straw that's too big. I heard that assassin snails will eat 1-3 snails every 1-3 days, so hopefully that'll give the pest snails some time to grow. If not, I think there's some frozen blood worms sitting around the house that can help supplement the snails' needed protein.


I hope these wiki hooligans don't make a fuss over being banned for a week. A week might be a bit much for some coordinated spam, but with so little history I'm hoping that they don't feel left out in a wiki they've hardly participated in.

Just had a zero braincell moment.


I'm not quitting the wiki any time soon but god, sometimes the community tires me out. A new user had joined the wiki and was calling the creatures of Creatures of Sonaria 'dragons', and for a bit of context I think its a bit of a joke when people get mad over others calling the creatures something else other than creatures. However, this drama revealed to me that there apparently are people who get mad over that! At this point there have been several posts talking about this instance of drama and to be clear: my stance is that people can call these creatures whatever they want. It doesn't matter that the creature doesn't even look like a dragon, if you genuinely get mad over people calling creatures something else, please re-evaluate.

Some people have argued that they don't like creatures being referred to as dragons because of their experience with Dragon Adventures, a game by the same people behind Creatures of Sonaria, but that reasoning doesn't hold up to me? I know why people don't like that game, but it's not like it ruined the entire concept of dragons for me? Calling things 'dragons' also doesn't automatically turn CoS into Dragon Adventures, nor does calling things 'pets' automatically turn this game into Adopt Me. Again! Unless Dragon Adventures ruined the entire concept of dragons to you, just leave that be!


Argh, I knew this video wouldn't be good for me, but recently I watched a video titled "The (Uncensored) Female Valorant Experience" and if you're a female gamer, it's about as bad as it sounds. I know these videos don't represent the entirety of men, but it makes it feel so tiring to know that a lot of female gamers can identify with this kind of video over several different games. I've heard relatability for this kind of experience in Valorant, League of Legends, Halo, Rainbow Six Siege — practically any multiplayer game with some sort of competitive scene.

If I had to place a bet, I bet that all the guys who act this way in videos are straight — I think queer guys have better business than to be rude to strangers online. It's unfortunate to think that these guys will never get a girlfriend or worse — never realize what makes women repulsed from them in the first place. The world honestly needs to teach men how to have healthy relationships with women (among other things that're wrong about men, their fault or not).

As for the gaming community, I think it'd really benefit the community for guys who don't exhibit Maidenless Behaviour to just... speak up about Shitty Behaviour? It doesn't have to be grandiose as to white knight for female gamers, but acknowledging when jabs stop being funny is seriously powerful. I think Maidenless guys have a need to be seen as accepted among their friends (in a random matchup setting, this is as simple as being with a group of people who are also guys), so knowing that they have the disapproval of the group is bound to shut them up. Not only that, but one guy speaking up could probably encourage another Not-Maidenless guy to speak up.

A common theme I'm noticing with a majority of Daniel Mullins games (I think that's his name? The developer of Pony Island and Inscryption) is that they include some sort of meta element. Pony Island's entire bit is breaking apart the game and pissing off the dev, Inscryption has act 2, and BitBuddy revolves around the player not closing the window. Hm!

On BitBuddy: Daniel Mullins did a very good job on making the BitBuddy look so dishevelled.


Thinking to add a nice nature-y background to my page to match the background on my site button. Might also make things a bit darker to be more accurate to my True Aesthetic. The mint green ain't so bad, but it's not that great to look at in the dark.

Phew, the shrimp managed to get out of the filter all by himself. I didn't realize lowering the waterlevel would make it harder for him to get out, but luckily that didn't render it impossible. I also managed to lower it enough to where a shrimp probably can't climb over the filter wall. Hopefully shrimp ambition doesn't come to screw me over later.

Ah jeez... One of my shrimp might've gotten stuck in the tank filter, and I saw it happen! The little guy managed to climb onto the opening of the filter and climb over the filter wall or someth — he just climbed back out. Whew. I guess the next question to ask is whether or not he can find his way out of the filter. I'm going to lower the water level a bit just so he doesn't climb back to where I can't see him.

Just had an unexpected, but nice chat with the person who currently runs Daily Dragon Fix. Out of curiousity I clicked the IRC link on the site and I was not expecting 'IRC' to mean chatroom. Pinkgothic and I had a nice little chat about the situation and IRC chats themselves. It's warmed me up to the idea of using them, especially as I try to move away from Web3 and all.

Also, recently I've been debating whether or not to add Assassin snails to my fish tank. On one hand, yes, there are pest snails already, but on the other hand I'm concerned about the AS going after my shrimp. After some research though, my conclusion is that its VERY unlikely for an Assassin snail to eat a shrimp. Shrimp are quite flighty and move quickly from the sight of danger, which is enough defense from a snail, of all creatures. If an Assassin snail were to eat a shrimp, it's either because the shrimp had something else wrong with it, or that there's not enough pest snails to eat in the tank.


Turns out my bright idea turned out to be quite dull. See, what I was thinking was that I could use an iframe to make it look like the user was staying on the blog page while still being able to view archived blogs, but on Codepen I haven't been able to get that code to display correctly.

What I want to happen is that the content div will expand to the size of whatever the iframe needs to be, but that just ain't happening with the knowledge I have right now.

Just thought of a way to make the blog archive more low-maintenance? 👀 It might still use the same number of pages, but it'll look better on the users' end.

COVID-10 sucks (obviously), just recently I've been reminiscing about going to my cousin's house for the holidays. I was a real jerk each time I went, and I would like my cousins to meet the current version of myself that isn't as jerk-like. Some other news: I decided to be responsible and shoot down some math work early.

My dad bought me one of those laptop stands. It's kinda nice so far, if I bought a replacement tablet with a different stand, I'd probably use it as a tablet stand. I had to remove the spinny bit underneath though, since it made the stand wobble whenever I typed. Thank god it was just a screw-on attachment.


I don't know how I got to the rug-cleaning side of Youtube, but what matters now is that I'm here.

New month, new blog post! Because I don't really post my art anywhere aside from Artstation, I'm wondering if I should start posting art and WIPs here too? The thing is, I'd have to figure out how to format all of that.